
Technology in Agriculture, Simplified

What Does Agriculture Data and COVID-19 Data Have in Common?


I define data as a series of numbers or values that means absolutely nothing without context. We don’t want data; We want accurate information that provides real value. (Yes, I dislike the word data, but we’ll keep it simple for this post)

Data Quality is Total Garbage EVERYWHERE

There will always be error and bias in data, humans program the machines. Just because a machine spits out a number, does NOT mean it’s accurate.

Selective Data

Test plot or side by side not come out how you wanted? Just don’t publish it

Infection number statistics don’t prove your narrative? Only use the set of numbers you like

Hidden Agendas

In Agriculture it could be snake oil salesmen, VC’s, environmentalists, rip-off agtech companies, etc.

For corona it could be globalists, elitists, politicians, medical manufacturers, etc.

Media Distortion

What is “news” anymore? Is the article actually an advertisement? Hit piece? Flat out lie? Is the article just made to get clicks and generate advertising revenue?


What’s the difference between a weather forecast, commodity price prediction and corona data forecast? They’re all just about worthless. Let’s not even get started on USDA predictions…


How many are afraid to tell the truth in fear of losing their job? Or afraid their vendor/supplier will punish them for any form of criticism?

Maybe Agriculture and the World will wake up one day?

It’s a sad day when you trust ZeroHedge and NewAgTalk posts more than the mainstream media.