
Technology in Agriculture, Simplified

Quick Reminder – New StarFire Frequency is Live Now


A brief reminder for anyone with a StarFire receiver (Original, iTC, 3000) on ALL frequency levels (SF1, SF2, RTK)

As of last week, the frequency at which the StarFire Network  broadcasts down to earth has changed.


Note: Software updates can change at any time and can be found here:


Original StarFire

You must manually enter StarFire Frequency 1545.9675 in your display

Example simulation of display below:
*NOTE: I can’t type in the numbers in the simulator, please make sure to press on the cycling arrows button (E) next to the frequency number, type in, and press button (E) again to lock it in

**For those using an 1800 or 2600 with the Original Starfire, please press Menu – > Original GreenStar, then follow these steps.

*** If you’re only yield mapping, it is likely that mapping will continue to work, however you will be on WAAS, which is much less accurate than SF1




StarFire iTC

I would recommend updating your StarFire iTC to 3.73G, which came out Spring 2015, but you can also enter the new frequency manually.

Note: A few years ago, the last time the StarFire frequency changed, some receivers showed difficulty in locking onto the new frequency, even after the update. It is OK to update the receiver AND change manually change the frequency. This should be the first step in troubleshooting any accuracy or signal issues.

Example simulation below:



StarFire 3000

2.10P is the latest software for the StarFire 3000 (as of Spring 2015), but I’m told any StarFire 3000 that has the previous software, 2.00R should automatically pick up the new frequency, assuming it has been on and outside after that 2.00R update.

Note (again): A few years ago, the last time the StarFire frequency changed, some receivers showed difficulty in locking onto the new frequency, even after the update. It is OK to update the receiver AND change manually change the frequency. This should be the first step in troubleshooting any accuracy or signal issues.

Example simulation below: