
Technology in Agriculture, Simplified

March 25, 2016
by admin

[Updated] Windows 10 Advice – and how to stop the auto update

I’m getting a lot of questions on Windows 10 and whether to update or not, so here’s my stance on the issue in just a few words

No matter what version of Windows you’re on, please stay there until after the spring busy season. Only change if someone tells you it’s absolutely required and will for sure solve whatever problem you currently have.

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March 17, 2016
by admin

Apex 3.7.6 Update / Antivirus Causing Error

Advice below is as-is without any kind of warranty or guarantee.
Written: March 17, 2016

If you’re updating / installing / reinstalling the latest version of Apex (3.7.6), you may see an error “The system cannot find the file specified”


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March 3, 2016
by admin

Time and Technology

In less than 300 words..

I was going to pick on a particular segment of Precision Ag, but I think producers saying “I don’t have time for this” holds bigger weight than that.


Time is money no matter what segment, sector, or industry you’re talking about. In a world of smartphones, smart devices, and a bombardment of notifications from them, you’d better provide real value and you’d better do it in a very short time.

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February 16, 2016
by admin

Keeping up with Technology News

On occasion I get asked  “How do you know all that?” or “How can I keep up with all the changing technology” (not saying I know it all, because I most definitely do not).

The answer is simple: I read. A lot.

YouTube video is becoming a great source as well.

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February 14, 2016
by admin
1 Comment

Non-Farm Tech Tools: Remote Desktop Software

This is the third post in a series I’m doing on apps and software services that are not particularly designed for Agriculture, but could be very useful to many in the field (sometimes literally in the field).

The Problem

While many software programs are moving towards the cloud, not all are. Some offer minimal but not full functionality online. Some charge monthly or annual fees that were once one-time fees. Maybe you’re using an old program that never will get updated to the cloud. Or maybe you don’t want your private information stored anywhere but your own computer. But at the same time you want everyone to have convenient, remote access to the same computer program.

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February 6, 2016
by admin

The Great Debate.. On Big Data

Will Big Data make you money?

Is Big Data worth your time and effort?

I already wrote once on how we need to get the small and simple information right before moving onto the more complex items, but I want to address the more complex stuff too.



There are a lot of Ag data services out there, and that’s a great thing for innovation and growth of the industry, but economic times have changed. I am concerned, as are many, about the ROI on some of these services. I am NOT knocking these services, I’m just providing some thoughts. I have NO agenda in writing this post.

It is your decision to decide what is right for your own operation.

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January 30, 2016
by admin

Non-Farm Tech Tools: Notes and Lists with Google Keep

This is the second post in a series I’m doing on apps and software services that are not particularly designed for Agriculture, but could be very useful to many in the field (sometimes literally in the field)


The Problem

Expectations for being organized and providing accurate and immediate information are higher than ever, but with cellphones we’re increasingly conducting business away from the office desk. Pocket notebooks and yellow legal pads have been great tools, but how many times have you been without them, without a pen, or worse, lost the whole thing?

[I’m not saying to give up your pocket notebook or legal pad.. I still carry a legal pad around myself]

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January 17, 2016
by admin

Basics of Wifi on the Farm

We’re all becoming more reliant on internet connectivity and it’s not just the smartphones in our pockets or tablets in our hands. As more and more devices become capable of connecting to the internet (grain dryers, HVAC thermostats, barcode scanners, etc. etc.), so does the need for infrastructure to supply an internet connection. Here’s an example of expanding the reach of WiFi on the farm and a few general tips. I’m not here to sell anything related to WiFi, I just want to help others.

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January 11, 2016
by admin

Non-Farm Tech Tools for Your Operation: Password Management

I’ve been meaning to do a few posts on general technology tools producers can use, and a twitter conversation sparked this one, so let’s talk about password management.

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January 10, 2016
by admin

Virtual Reality in Agriculture?

One of my many goals for 2016 is to write more original content. Yes, I will still be doing my AMS Questions and Answers lists (I have a draft written with a bunch of stuff, it just needs finished), but I wanted a chance to work on my writing skills more. I enjoy writing, but I’m not very good at it. Practice makes perfect right? Feel free to post in the comments or tweet me @AaronBobeck if there’s something agriculture / equipment / technology related you’d like see get discussed. I’m always open to constructive feedback.


One of the most up-and-coming technologies in general consumer technology is Virtual Reality (or VR for short). The concept of VR is creating an experience that makes you feel like you’re somewhere else. Check out the YouTube video below to see an example of what seeing virtual reality looks like.

I thought up a few use theoretical case scenarios for VR in agriculture:
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